
Donate Monetarily

The Library gratefully receives donations large and small. Donate online, by mail or at your local library. Designate your gift to support greatest needs. More information about donating to the library can be found on the Donation Page, or by contacting your local Library Manager at director@nols.org.


Be a Friend

Become a member of your local Friends of the Library group, or donate your gently used books, music and movies to their used book sales. The Friends raise money to support programs for children and families and other purposes at each branch library.


North Olympic Library Foundation (NOLF)

The North Olympic Library Foundation (NOLF) was established in 2012 to strengthen support for the North Olympic Library System. NOLF’s focus is on building an endowment to finance system-wide programs and projects that are beyond the limits of public funds, and supporting NOLS “Libraries on the Move” initiatives and projects. For more information about NOLF, click here.



If you want to become more actively involved in the Library and have a rewarding volunteer experience, consider donating your time by participating in the Library’s vibrant volunteer program. Click here for more information about volunteering at NOLS or contact the Volunteer Program Manager at volunteer@nols.org or 360-417-8500, ext 7710.